Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pretend you didn't read this, part 2.

My heart hurts today. I do my best, most days, to be "content" and make plans and lists for how we will conquer our current issues, but one issue probably won't go away anytime soon and it is eating at me.
I've always been a big believer in religion, in the power of God. That hasn't changed, but my perspective has, quite a bit.
That being said, I've bounced back and forth over several ideas throughout the past few years. Now that Leila is getting older I realize (frightened) that she will soon understand a lot of things and we will need to begin her religious education.
...? Where will we begin it? She already mimics my in-laws in their daily prayers, but who will support me if I sing "Jesus loves me?"
At some point I will have to be done crying about this, but far and above any other issue, this is the most difficult aspect of my marriage to Feroze.
I miss God.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you. Maybe spend alittle time with Leila each night talking about the Bible stories and saying your own prayers with her. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

You posted that you were a big believer in the power of God. In this faith, God will give you guidance on how to raise Leila as she begins her religious education.

I imagine there must be many in your community of friends and family that share your belief system....Leila and you could benefit from their company in enjoying faith centered activities.

littlemissme said...

Thanks, you all...I'll be relying on your prayers while I get my ~own~ stuff together--which needs to be done before I start on Leila's, you know?

littlemissme said...

I'm here, post is upcoming, just didn't have much to say the last few days!