Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This is a Public Service Announcement:

If you are riding a bus in the DC Metro area, and you see a chubby redhead in fabulous Versace glasses, that's me. Please don't sit next to me unless you are small enough to only take up one seat, smell nice, and are reasonably sane. Also, from one chubby girl to another: If your cheekspread covers three seats? And just lumbering down the bus has you all out of breath and cranky? You might want to consider getting off a couple stops early, and possibly forgo that box of Ho-Hos I see in your grocery bag. It's for your own good, really, because if you lose a few pounds I won't have to stab you with a pencil the next time I have to stand up all the way from Rockville to Silver Spring because you've taken more than your fair share of seating.


Anonymous said...

How about seeing the one seat left on the bus...but it's between two people who should be using up two seats EACH and there is a bar between them that you would have to squeeze your cheeks between as well, SO you decide to stand up the entire way to your destination so you don't humiliate yourself with your feeble attempt to sit down between them?

littlemissme said...

Gah...Starshine, you are so right. OR there are eight million seats left, and you have your stuff next to you, and the stinky homeless guy is like, "I want to sit there!" and you just aren't sure if you're allowed to say no?

And P, you ARE lucky you have your car, but it's not like there's a big option of public transport where you are, anyway! It's a blessing and a curse!