Friday, November 24, 2006

Putting the "Manic" in "Manic Depression"

Alternate title: The North Pole of Bipolar.

So the thing is that me manic and depressed mostly shows itself through a lot of teeth-grinding and insomnia and no will to do actual housework or whatever, but me manic and not depressed can be pretty awesome. Last night I did not sleep at. All. At five thirty this morning I finally put my head to the pillow and slept badly for about an hour and a half. At seven my alarm went off. Black Friday, and to work for a wench like me! I got Leila dressed and ready (she looks ubercute in cuffed jeans and a polka dotted top) and then I got dressed superduper fast and pulled my hair back and whizzed out the door and zinged into the car and jumped out at the mall, grabbed my coffee, and didn't look back.
I had a $2,000 sale before ten thirty, including FOUR cashmere sweaters. I banged out the rest of my shift and then ran over to Lord & Taylor to tackle their amazing sale. I spent sixty dollars and got two shirts for Leila, a "Belle" of Beauty and the Beast doll (for Leila, her first dolly of that type. She thought it was super neato for about two seconds.) and an outfit for each of my three nieces, plus two awesome kits with wooden beads for bracelet making for them to take home and torment their mother with. (I always give them craft related gifts and clothes. It's a thing.)Some of the pieces ended up being priced as low as pants for $3.74. It was awesome. I tried on a corduroy skirt for me that was an unbelievable price, but it was too tight, and even period bloat could not excuse how awful it looked. Also tried on a DKNY tee that was TEN BUCKS and it was cute and all, but a bit tight, and truth be told, I'd rather put ten bucks towards my kid anyway.
I have been REALLY GOOD about saving my money and I had to give the girls good-bye gifts, so I don't feel guilty.
I then went to Gap and I do feel a little guilty about the stuff I bought there. But I needed another present and then they had these really cute tees on sale! I got a super soft henley for $16.97, and two tees for Leila for $6.97, plus an adorable dress for the youngest niece for $7.97. Two pair of over the knee socks for my sister in law who loves socks pushed me to fifty bucks. $110 and a whole mess o' goodies later, I am still riding high.
I walked to the bus stop and all over creation because the MetroBus dropped me off in some random-ass spot on the side of 29. I feel like a million bucks. I need to go grocery shopping, but I'll settle for the laundry and a general clean-up.

God help us all, if I don't get sleep tonight.

Leila-ism of the day: "Mommy, turn on the light. Thank you, Mommy, for light. Thank you, Allah, for light."


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Anonymous said...

just thought I'd let you know a place where you can make some nice extra cash. Http://

I made over $900 last month going to spammers' homes, throwing their pc out the window and having fun!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

That is about the sweetest little prayer I've ever heard/read.

Thanks for commenting about Shatila's on "Cooking with Whine." If you haven't been there in a few years, they moved to a new, much larger location than their old tiny store. It is fabulous.

Patti Mayo said...

Yay! Glad to see you back! I can totally relate to the manic thing, I've suspected it of myself at times, but I seem to have looonnngg periods of nothing, with short bursts of mania (2-3 days) and short bursts of depression. Does that make me normal?