Saturday, November 12, 2005

Because everyone loves a Mommy Blog!

Here is my precious princess in a lovely selection of Gymboree clothing.
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And here she is in her Eid dress, which was totally adorable, and came from Target, ya'all! I was going to pay $50 for one from a department store, found this, and it was $17.99! Woot!
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blackbird said...

that is one gorgeous baby.

good lord.

am responding to your two pump question. there are four pumps of syrup in the bev's at starbucks and I find that the flavors are too strong...two pumps tones it down so that I can taste the coffee...
thanks for stopping in!

littlemissme said...

Aw, thank you! I think I will start asking for two pumps as well. :-)

Look, my other two readers, a blog-ebrity commented!

Elizabeth said...

Your little one is getting prettier and prettier every time you post a picture of her! From the picture of her in her Eid Dress, I'd say she knows it, too!